driver maintainer status af9013.c anttip 0.1 dB at76c651.c (old code to be removed? [stoth]) au8522.c stoth 0.1 dB bcm3510.c pboettch unknown (vals > 1000) cinergyT2.c dB * 256 cx22700.c unknown cx22702.c unknown cx24110.c ESN0 cx24116.c percent scaled to 0-0xffff, support for ESN0 cx24123.c Inverted ESN0 dib3000mb.c pboettch unknown dib3000mc.c pboettch always zero (0.1dB possible [pboettch]) dib7000m.c pboettch always zero (0.1dB possible [pboettch]) dib7000p.c pboettch always zero (0.1dB possible [pboettch]) drx397xD.c always zero dvb_dummy_fe.c always zero l64781.c unknown lgdt330x.c tpiepho dB * 256 lgdt3304.c mrec always zero lgdt3305.c mkrufky 0.1 dB lgs8gl5.c unknown mt312.c agc-feedback 0-0x3FFF mt352.c unknown (0.1dB possible in hardware) nxt200x.c mkrufky dB nxt6000.c unknown or51132.c tpiepho dB * 256 or51211.c tpiepho dB * 256 s5h1409.c stoth 0.1 dB s5h1411.c stoth 0.1 dB s5h1420.c unsupported si21xx.c unknown (scaled to 0-0xffff) sp8870.c unsupported sp887x.c unknown stv0288.c unknown stv0297.c unknown stv0299.c unknown tda10021.c unknown tda10023.c unknown tda10048.c 0.1 dB tda1004x.c unknown tda10086.c unknown tda8083.c unknown tda80xx.c unknown ves1820.c unknown ves1x93.c unknown zl10353.c unknown (0.1dB possible in hardware) Notes: In cases where the read_snr() call back is not implemented, the return value provided by dvb_frontend.c is -EOPNOTSUPP, even though the API documentation expects ENOSYS to be returned.